Why You Gotta Be So Cold?

The title might not give it away, but this post? About the Ice Bucket Challenge.

So, I was *kinda* challenged to do it, as part of a group challenge. I really had to think about it.
Because I'm gonna lay some truth on you--ALS does not rank high on my "Causes I Care About" list. I have a lot of things I'm passionate about changing and making better (gender equality, race equality, general prejudice, Leducation...), and ALS is in there...kind of.

Yes, I know--people suffer when diagnosed with the disease. They become trapped in their own body that they no longer can control. And research is needed.

And yes--this challenge has raised TONS of money for the cause.

The problem I have with it is most people aren't doing it out of a sense of charity--they're doing it out of a sense of "popularity seeking". A trend. Because it's the cool thing to do [pun intentional].

Some are even doing it out of guilt, as if someone will scold them if they don't do it once they've been challenged.

The worst group, in my opinion, are the ones who literally dump an ice bucket over their heads before donating money to a cause (most people are still donating after partaking, but there's still a lot that aren't).

So, I *did* end up donating. But I challenge you to donate to a charity. Period.

If you want to donate to ALS research, that's great!
But are animals more your bag? Awesome! Go help out my friend get training to help rescue animals.
Want to fund creativity? Kickstarter, y'all.
Want to help people in developing countries? Kiva, my friends.

Really want to help med research? GO VOTE FOR PEOPLE THAT SUPPORT INCREASING IT.

Alright, stepping off my soapbox.