And Idiotic Move of the Week Goes To....

So, as part of my duties as receptionist/catch-all/asst. to the Chief of Staff, I am the main one updating all of the company websites (multiple companies under an umbrella's complicated).

Anyway, I've never worked with WordPress so in-depth before, so changing how something looks involves me looking into the HTML (which I only vaguely remembered from my Xanga blog days) and CSS, which I knew nothing of before working here).

Last week was torture, because there were a few times I would try to do something and it wouldn't work. This morning, however, my WP project only took about 20 minutes to format/style how I wanted.

Because I was feeling awesome about it, I bragged a little on Twitter. I should have known better...

I know it sounds bad, forgetting my sister has a degree in graphic design. To be fair, her concentration was in photography, so I always think of it as a degree in photography.

Oh well, at least I figured it out eventually.