
The other day during my campus visit/interview at the private school, I was talking with the woman whose job I would be taking. She was super nice, and I kinda wished she wasn't leaving.

Anyway, I mentioned how I was a creative writing major and such back in undergrad, and she asked if I had submitted anything for publication. And, honestly? I haven't. Most of my life has been consumed with just surviving and dealing with the doubt of not being a teacher. So I told her no, and that nothing was good enough for publication. Which, in all honesty, I don't believe anything that I've written yet is.

Her response? "Do it, do it, do it!" Enthusiasm of a child included. (And now you know why I told she was super cool.)

I've been thinking about it since that moment--have I lost the desire to write? I would say to an extent that I have. When I wrote in undergrad, I had others in the same boat as me--all of us were trying, together. There were some people that, immediately, you could tell that writing was not only their passion, but they were really working on their craft. Others...let's just say there were others that made me feel better about my stuff.

And I still get sparks of inspiration. A small nugget of an idea for a story. But I don't write it down, or I do, and don't go any further with it.

That needs to change. It has to change, if I ever want to have a writing career, however small it is.

So, I have a story I'm working on. We'll see how it goes.
The fun part will be after, when it will need revision.

Any volunteers for readers? I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine, so to speak.